PIVOT 2021 Conference proceedings
In July 2021, I had the opportunity to participate in the PIVOT 2021 Conference: Dismantling Reassembling, organised by the Design Research Society and OCAD University in Canada. My participation was titled: Staying Diasporic:…
Conference recordings
The recordings of the whole TECHNE's conference On Transversality are now available until the end of February.
On Transversality conference
I’m delighted to share that I will be participating in this year’s TECHNE Conference: On Transversality in Practice and Research in the panel on Exile and Migration.
Published thesis – year 2
Friday of good news! My master thesis is now published and available for consult. 🎉 Collective weaving of territories: Exploring diasporic identities with Latin American Migrants.
Tejido de territorios de identidad: Presentación en español
Bienvenidos a la presentación en español de mi tesis de maestría de diseño de interacción, el próximo 26/09/2020 a las 18:00 hrs. Suecia / 11:00 hrs. México.
Andares: Un mapa interactivo de experiencias migrantes
Andares es un concepto de diseño de aplicación digital que permite a los visitantes andar y tejer un mapa interactivo de identidades diaspóricas: Nosotres, que hemos migrado, basamos nuestras identidades en memorias e imaginaciones de una patria que…
Andares: An interactive map of migrant experiences
Andares is a design concept of a digital application that allows visitors to wander and weave an interactive map of diasporic identities: We that have migrated, rest our identities in memories and imaginations of a homeland that will…
Published thesis – year 1
My thesis project is now published, and it’s an open resource for everyone to read, refer to and discuss: Storytelling for intercultural dialogue: experience design with unaccompanied minors from Afghanistan.